room no. 4772

short description

1 room / 20 m² / max. 2 persons / ground floor/intermediate story / 2 single beds


price calculation

arrival departure

persons   max. 2 persons

calculate price

price specialties for this accommodation


location of accommodation

Guest room, not a holiday flat. The bathroom and kitchen are shared with the landlady. The room has its own toilet.
The room is located in a beautiful 104 sqm flat. In the middle of the popular Prenzauer Berg, many cafes, restaurants and nice shops make for an interesting stay. The tram to the main station is about 3 minutes walk away.

closest public transportation

  • U Trainstation Eberswalder Straße, (approx. 300 m linear distance)
  • S Trainstation Prenzlauer Allee, (approx. 500 m linear distance)
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customers who have rented this apartment say

average vote       9.4 out of 10 points based on 8 ratings
  • Jun 25, 2024 20:55
    Alles wirklich sehr gut und nichts zu beklagen. Ich bewundere die Bewohner - die so diskret und rücksichtsvoll fremde Menschen bei sich beherbergen!
  • Oct 12, 2021 20:02
    Freundliche Vermieter - sehr preiswert und zentrale Lage in meinem Lieblingskiez!
  • Aug 18, 2021 22:00
    Schönes Zimmer in Prenzlauer Berg - freundliche Gastgeber - saubere Wohnung - schönes Mobiliar. Die Küche und das Bad waren ebenfalls gepflegt. Ru...

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