short description
1-room apartment / 31 m² / max. 2 persons / ground floor/intermediate story / 1 double bed
price calculation
price specialties for this accommodation
location of accommodation
closest public transportation
- U Trainstation Schönhauser Allee, (approx. 0 m linear distance)
- S+U Trainstation Schönhauser Allee, (approx. 0 m linear distance)
More Informations
next parking place / garage
- Tiefgarage, Schönhauser Karrée, 10437 Berlin, Kopenhagener Straße 79 (approx. 0 m linear distance)
- Tiefgarage Schönhauser Karrée, Kopenhagener Str. 79, 10437 Prenzlauer Berg, 154 parking spaces (approx. 100 m linear distance)
- Public parking lots are available in the area around the house
nearby taxi stand
- Tiefgarage, Schönhauser Karrée, 10437 Berlin, Kopenhagener Straße 79 (approx. 0 m linear distance)
- Tiefgarage Schönhauser Karrée, Kopenhagener Str. 79, 10437 Prenzlauer Berg, 154 parking spaces (approx. 100 m linear distance)
- Public parking lots are available in the area around the house
rent a bicycle nearby
- Zeughaus / Deutsches Historisches Museum, Arkonaplatz 5, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg (approx. 1200 m linear distance)
- Tieckstraße / Novalisstraße, Kastanienallee 69, 10435 Prenzlauer Berg (approx. 1300 m linear distance)